Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Monalisa Painting Face painting is Leonardo Da Vinci Self

Monalisa is ukisan Face Painting Leonardo Da Vinci Self - The Legend of Leonardo da Vinci shrouded in mystery. How did he die? Is still buried in the French Chateau with Renaissance master? Was Mona Lisa a disguised self-portrait?

A group of Italian scientists believe that the key to solving the puzzle there. And they asked for permission from the French authorities to dig up graves and carbon test and DNA testing.

If the intact skull, scientists can go to the heart of the question that bothered scholars and the public for centuries the Mona Lisa's identity.

Besides creating virtual and reconstruct Leonardo's face, and compare with a smiling face in the painting.

"We do not know what we find when the tomb was opened, we could even find the seeds and dust," said Giorgio Gruppioni, an anthropologist who participated in the project.

"But if it stays well maintained, they are the biological archives of events in one's life, and sometimes in their deaths."

Group leader, Silvano Vinceti, saying his plan would emphasize that the French officials who authorized the burial site of Chateau Amboise.

In France, the excavation requires a long legal procedures, and before-before it will take much longer, if it involves a great man like Leonardo.

Sureau Jean-Louis, director of the medieval castle located in the Loire Valley of France said that, after a formal request is made then a commission of experts was formed. Each request will then be discussed with the French Ministry of Culture, Sureau said.

Leonardo moved to France at the invitation of King Francis I and received the title "king's first painter." He spent the last three years of his life there, and died at Cloux, in the year 1519 with 67 years of age.

Original burial place was in the church of Saint Florentine palace were destroyed during the French Revolution and is believed to eventually be moved in Saint-Hubert chapel near the fort. Tombstone says only "Leonardo da Vinci".

"Grave Amboise is a symbolic tomb and raises a big question mark," said Alessandro Vezzosi, director of a museum dedicated to Leonardo in the Tuscan hometown of Vinci.

Vezzosi is not involved in the project, said that investigating the tomb could help identify the bones of the painter with certainty, and solve other questions, such as the cause of death.

He said he was asked to open the tomb in 2004 to study but declined Amboise Castle.

try to compare! monalisa painting he is DaVinci own self image that he painted as a mirror ...

da vinci

and it is the result...

Misteri Planet Kegelapan

Among the "insiders" at NASA, DoD (military intelligence agency), SETI and the CIA has predicted that, if 2 / 3 of the population of planet Earth will be extinct, when the change of pole, which caused the arrival of Planet X. Rest of the population who survived, was in danger of starvation and radiation elements, within 6 months after this incident.
All covert operations to realize this fact, and have prepared themselves. It is said, the Vatican also know about it. But unfortunately, the public simply left with no information, left to drift with everyday life, without a chance to prepare for this disaster.

What's going on?

Leaking of information from among a handful of "insiders" and bystanders, the public began to be interested in this. Why this disaster was kept secret from the public at large? If you want to make a global uproar, it will affect the financial markets and the resulting collapse of the world economy.

The public should be given the opportunity to prepare. Hopefully, after reading this, we can more alert yes!

Okay .. now, if we observe the development of jelly natural disasters, the number of natural disasters more. This is caused by electromagnetic plasmatic connections between planets. 've Never heard dong, if the sun has been said that a dark twin (dark version of the sun). Well, that is where the location of Planet X. mengorbitnya Right between the sun and its twin.
Spoiler for pic:

Catatan : kembaran matahari tidak terlihat dengan mata kita.

But, scientists have found. In the "Illustrated Science & Invention Encyclopedia" volume 18, published in 1987-1989, was included about the existence of this solar twin.

A group of Russian scientists held a series of meetings in the year 2000, to discuss the planet X. This is a source of Reuter's news with a headline "The events of the year 2003" (published Reuter News Agency, 13 September 2000 edition)

Core of the meeting was about the coming catastrophe Planet X, whose existence was already on the monitor of the Russian observatories. The scientists wondered, if this happens, Russia will still remain?

Scientist Andrei Shukshin states, the meeting also discussed about the reduction of global population on a large scale, due to this incident.

To be sure, Planet X exists and orbits. But, will collide with Earth? This is still studied.

Observatory St.Petersburg in Russia, observations about Planet X took place intensively. The scientists named the planet's there with the title "King Sun" or "Big Star".

Not many scientists are willing to share information about the planet, because of fears of a global panic. NASA employees and many who secretly make a "dome home" is a special house, with a special construction, which is resistant hurricane, earthquake and wind resistant tornadoes. "Home dome" to be built in hilly areas, far from the beach.

Planet X is also known as Nibiru, or called "wormwood", a space object is most often referred to since ancient time.

After orbiting for the year 3600, to 10 this planet will come again.

The impact of the arrival of Planet X to the earth, have noted our ancestors thousands of years ago. Geological and Archaeological Sciences also made them.

Simpang Siur Planet X

To prevent panic about Planet X, many observatories are now "suddenly" closed to the public. Observatory officials would not even direct the telescope to the star constellation Orion. Many reasons are made, so that people do not believe this fact. The reality of Planet X. Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum in Chicago and the Hayden Planetarium at the Rose Center for Earth and Space, New York is often closed to the public, with a variety of reasons. Also in many countries.

Planet X was deliberately made as a silly myth, the confusing nonsense. Why? So that no mass panic occurs. Many sites on the Internet that spread false information about Planet X.

Here, some information about Planet X FALSE:

1. Planet X may not exist, because there is no strong evidence of its existence. If anything, the rise would only once in several million years. (This type of information that we encounter at most)
2. Planet X was there, but it will not appear on the era (time) we are.
3. (Scattered among scientists & Observatory) Planet X exists, and will over the earth. Relax, do not panic, because it is only common occurrences. There would be no disaster.

Planet X Facts

The mass of Planet X is so great, with magnetic poles that have high plasma levels and the beam energy so powerful, MUST cause great damage to the planet in its path.

Usually a few years before the arrival of planet X, Planet X electromagnetic waves cause major changes in the planet will pass through. This can be seen in the violent climate changes that hit Planet Earth.

Earthquake and volcanic activity changes 3 to 4 decades before the arrival of Planet X. Since 1996, changes in the Earth's climate record for the highest. Natural disasters, from earthquakes, volcanic activity and changes in electromagnetic so sharp increase, but the data is always "refined" to the wider community.

Global Warming?

Makes sense, if the weather changes pretty much as a result of global warming. But, whether the change in solar cycle is also due to global warming? Absolutely nothing to do!

99% of our solar system made of plasma concentration to the atomic level. Planet is a plasma that has a certain density. The Return of Planet X into our solar system cause electrical changes in the concentration of plasma energy in ALL existing planets, in our solar system.

According to Russian scientist's view, changes in volcanic and earthquake activity increased by 400 to 500 per cent since 1975.

These changes not only occur on earth alone, but also on all the planets. Every planet in our solar system have increased activity and changes in the weather. Many facts that are not published by the media. Dr.Dmitriev stated that other planets are also experiencing change. For example: the atmosphere on Mars is now increasingly bold, as well as on the Moon. There are now Sodium-thick layer of miles before 6000 never existed.

Layer above the earth's atmosphere also HO levels change. It is absolutely nothing to do with global warming, the impact of CFCs, or by pollution. Not only that, the magnetic field of planets are also experiencing change. Some of the brighter planets. Venus for instance, look even brighter glow. Jupiter even has the energy of radiation is shaped like a tube connected to the month.

Uranus and Neptune had just experienced a change poles. When Voyager 2 crossed the plane of Uranus and Neptune, changes occur in the polar North and South Planet.

Series of changes that occurred in our solar system, can be divided into 3 categories:

1. changes in energy field
2. change incandescent
3. atmospheric changes

In the period 1963 to 1993, the number of natural disasters increased 410 percent. And terdahsyat disasters occurred 9 years later.

Dr.Dmitriev found that the solar magnetic field increased 230 percent since 1901.

So, who experienced a change not only the planet Earth. Only a few among those who realize this fact. National Academy of Sciences in Siberia, Russia, particularly in Novosibirsk, the research took place against the sun. Dr.Dmitriev in amazement and said that, the sun grew 1000 percent brighter than before, and still growing brighter.

See Planet X

Only the largest telescopes (guarded) can be used to see Planet X. A number of small observatory in the world record of success to see Planet X in early 2001.

Dr.Harrington, peers of the scientists and archaeologist Zecharia Sitchin, who first believed in the existence of Nibiru or Planet X based on the ancient Sumerian records, died suddenly due to accidents. This allegedly caused Harrington courage to expose the discovery of 10 planet known as Planet X is, to complement the Sitchin theory.

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Since this incident, the scientists chose to shut up and do not want to talk much about Planet X and its activities. As Zecharia Sitchin published a book based on a written translation of ancient Sumerian, Sitchin says there are 12 planets in our solar system. When the book was published (in the 1970s), Sitchin's theory ridiculed. But, as one by one, the findings of scientists to prove that Sitchin's theory is true, Sitchin began statement closely watched.

In his book, "The 12th Planet", Sitchin writes about the legendary "Doomsday Comet" or "Nemesis" which appears periodically and create destruction.

Child Prostitution in Singkawang!

PONTIANAK - In 1997, there was a very disturbing incident of humanity in Singkawang. A married couple with three children, all under the age of 10 years, chose together to end his life by drinking poison, because it felt it could no longer bear the burden of life.

They found people in a lifeless condition in a rickety shack three days later, after noses stinging stench surrounding community. Together efforts to end life, never presented to one neighbor, a week before that terrible incident.

In such a context that, some ethnic Tionghoa (Chinese) often take shortcuts, such as diperistri willing stranger, for example, from Taiwan or Hong Kong, provided that both parents have a decent life insurance. There is also a living as prostitutes, with operations ranging from petty localization region, star hotels until she calls at a rate of more than Rp 1 million.

In Singkawang, to obtain an order amoy (Chinese girl) quite easily, provided that familiar with the pimp. If the price match, the pimp be happy to bring every man masher to meet orders, for the next date in one place, according to agreement.
These same legislators according to West Kalimantan Province, Drs Herman Hofi Munawar, that the city dubbed Singkawang Amoy has negative connotations, which is easy for commercial sex workers (PSK) of Chinese descent.

Herman is not too much. Robertus Amiau, one of the youth activities in Singkawang, estimates, no fewer than 100 women under the age of the descendants of the area as a prostitute by profession.

"Foster Child"
Look gait Liem Pheng Tjia, one of the famous pimp in Singkawang. Male children aged two and 37 years claimed to have 'foster child' more than 30 people who all Chinese women teenager. Operate foster children around Alianyang and Jalan Jalan Diponegoro.

"At 20.00 pm the stock is always low. Pemesan usually most of Sarawak, Brunei Darussalam, West Kalimantan and beyond (West Kalimantan), ranging from government officials to private sector officials. I also can not understand why amoy Singkawang home has its own charm for every man masher, "Liem said, giggling.

Amoy satisfying way of life that desire tortuous. TJU Fha (17 years) claimed to be prostitutes actually knowing both parents. In fact, since last year, the first child of four brothers who all these women, virtually became the backbone of the family. He quit school when sitting in class in high school, because her father as a vegetable seller a stroke paralyzed.

"Sometimes little hearts cry. But what the hell, it was already, and way of life already set like this. I do not know when it will end. But I have to support his parents and three sisters," said TJU.

Besides the economic demands, making TJU was already accustomed contracted in a certain time limit by a man masher. TJU willing to carry everywhere, so overseas though, as long as rates as expected and can be paid in advance. To anticipate something that is not desirable, before TJU must agree with her male friends, so any time can contact her parents at home.

Angela Lie (18 years), admitted falling into the black world, because his parents divorce. In 2000, her mother ran off with another man who caused his father's profession as a carpenter massage experience severe stress. Angela with one younger brother, and then entrusted with one of the paternal family.

Without warning, in one night, a friend of relative child in a drunken, raping Angela. Because of shame, Angela and then did not dare tell anyone. But three months later, Angela is known pregnant, and then aborted. In a troubled mind, Angela who just received his second grade junior high education, eventually receiving an offer for one of his acquaintances to his dark world.

If you saw the appearance Susana Liu Suan (17 years) the youngest of three brothers, everyone probably would not have thought that women who attended the class 1 high school, living as satisfying desire lust man masher. Brief Susan, call familiar, seemed very calm, polite, pretty, tall, slim, well dressed and still always be careful in speaking.

Just what distinguishes Susan, highlighting his sharp and sometimes far away. Moreover, if we want to explore the journey of his life. "I have no hope of anything else. But I do not want to blame anybody," he said.
Chairman of the Legal Aid Association of Women for Justice (LBH APIK) Kalbar, Hairiah rate, prostitution of minors in West Kalimantan, especially from China in Singkawang, more based on economic factors. But it could have implications for the social impact is complex. Among other things, the level of the indicated disease transmission tends to increase every year.

Meanwhile, within the last 10 years, from 1993 to 2003, the Government Office Health Office of West Kalimantan Province (Kalimantan) reported that there were 121 people infected with human immunodeficiency virus disease / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV / AIDS). A total of 74 of whom are indigenous people of West Kalimantan.

As many as 47 other people, is the national fishing Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. New foreign citizens caught HIV / AIDS after being reviewed medical team when he was undergoing legal process, which employs the ship because they do illegal fishing in Indonesian territory.

Most of the indigenous people of West Kalimantan 74 who are HIV / AIDS is a woman who worked as prostitutes in several major cities in Indonesia. The poor woman had just returned Kalbar, when tested positive for HIV / AIDS.

"Most of them come from Singkawang and Sambas. The government can not restrict the level of interaction they are at the center of society, despite previously been warned to be able to insulate themselves," said historical Zulkarnaen, Head of West Kalimantan provincial health office.

Toris said, the exposure of the residents of West Kalimantan 74 positive HIV / AIDS as well as showing the deadly disease transmission was in serious condition. (*)


The Only Food That Can Not Bad

Honey is a sticky liquid and sweet produced by bees and other insects from the nectar of flowers.
Honey is sweeter than table sugar and has the chemical characteristics of interest to the oven. Honey has a different taste that makes people more like him than sugar and other sweeteners.

Honey is a sticky liquid and sweet produced by bees and other insects from the nectar of flowers.
Honey is sweeter than table sugar and has the chemical characteristics of interest to the oven. Honey has a different taste that makes people more like him than sugar and other sweeteners.